Product brand designers for Album and CD Cover - Artist Marc Valentine
Full music album design for LP, including promo, cover, back and inner sleeve. CD digipak design.
The design brief
Professional designers for music artists
Hoverfly Design provided creative services for a new solo project for music artist Marc Valentine (from The Last Great Dreamers). Our client had a vision and provided a rough photo to show their thoughts for the album. We worked closely with Marc refining the image and developing the final look which required extensive retouching to get to the finished product. We trialled out several looks and developed creative artwork to tell the story for the album and CD designs.
Service used: Platinum brand identity

Design, retouching and image composition
Future Obscure was the first solo project for the Last Great Dreamers front man – Marc Valentine. Hoverfly Design was commissioned to create the graphic design for the music album cover for LP and CD. We worked extensively with the client to fine-tune the final look. The original concept was one that the client provided via a very rough picture taken on a mobile phone. We completely reworked the image and added typography and effects to produce the new release – Future Obscure. Available on pre-order via Bandcamp, release date 8th July.
Project requirement
Marc Valentine produces power pop music and wanted an iconic look to the album cover. The brief was to keep it bold and simple with bright colours. Using classic red, white and black we were able to create a look that reflects the music and will stand the test of time. We wanted to create something that would stand out on the shelf to create intrigue and generate sales. The project required some skilful retouching skills to bring the look to life.